Reservation and Proposal Request

Seashore Assembly is happy to accommodate your next event or program.  We’ll help you take care of the details so you can focus on your group. Please fill out the form below to begin.  If you have difficulty completing the form, please contact our office:  228-436-6767.

Reservation / Proposal Request

Upon receipt of information, a price proposal will be sent for your approval and confirmation of your reservation. Please note that prices may vary based on group size and services provided.

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter the contact person regarding this proposal


In a few words, describe the nature of your event.
Arrival Date*
Departure Date*
Estimated Number of Participants & Leaders*
Please provide an estimate of the number attending
Total # Expected
# of Male?
# of Female?


Lodging Required*
Please indicate the number of beds needed for your request.
# of Frazer Hall Private Rooms or Suites
# Male Dorm Beds
# Female Dorm Beds
Are you willing to share the dormitory with other groups who may be on campus?*
Some groups are smaller and willing to share space on the campus. If your group is willing to share space, please let us know. Private settings are welcomed as well.


Our full-service kitchen and dining area are available if you prefer to eat on campus.
Meal Service*
MEAL PLANNER: Each Row = 1 day
1. Enter the number of plates to serve for each meal.
2. If more than one day on campus, press the "+" sign to add a day to your meal plan - proceed to enter plates served for each meal. Repeat for each day.
3. You may enter up to 7 days of meals.
(If you desire sack lunches on any particular day - please indicate with the word "sack lunch" next to your count)
Please indicate any special dietary needs required by your group. (e.g. Diabetic, Food Allergies, Gluten Free, etc.)


Which type of meeting facilities will you require?*
Select all that may apply
Do you plan to host a Bonfire on the beach?*
Seashore will provide the group with Burn Permit and instructions. Group is responsible for setup and clean up.
If scheduling a bonfire, please indicate the date for this activity
This will assist us in coordinating your group and ensure that all proper permits and notifications have been completed.
Programming Assistance*
Seashore can assist you in the design and implementation of your event.


If you are unable to make out the letters in the box, simply press the small refresh button in the form below for a different set. Thank you for understanding.